Stirring it up! When you prepare breakfast for overnight guests, or you invite friends to stop by for a visit, it’s always nice to offer them a home-made treat. A perfect accompaniment to a cup of coffee or tea, here’s a never fail coffee cake which is quick to make and yummy to eat.
- 2 c all purpose flour
- 3/4 c butter
- 1 c white sugar
Rub these three ingredients together to the crumb stage. Put 1 cup of the mixture aside to use as topping
Mix the remaining mixture (from the above) with the following:
- 1 egg
- 1 c. sour milk
- 1/2 t baking soda
- 2 t baking powder
- 1 t cinnamon
- 1 t ground cloves
- 1 c raisins, dry cranberries or dry cherries -add these to the dry ingredients before adding the egg and this will help keep the fruit distributed throughout the cake rather than sinking to the bottom.
Pour the mixture into a well greased 9″x13″x2″ (33cmx23cmx5cm) pan and sprinkle the 1 cup of topping over the batter.
Bake at 375• F (190• C) for about 25 minutes. Cool slightly and serve or can be served chilled. A dollop of whipped cream wouldn’t hurt either!
Dishing it out! Ever been the new kid in school and hoping to make new friends? In a family that moved numerous times, come the first day of school the big question was, “who will be my friend?”. Starting a new school in grade 7 there was little time to worry about this as I was soon befriended by Maureen. We were in the same class, went to the same church and discovered we liked many of the same things. For three years we were best friends then a new job for my parents took us to a new home across the country . Maureen and I have kept in touch by email and have only seen each other a couple of times in all these years. All this to say, Maureen sent me this recipe hoping it might be something I could use and every time I make Cinnamon Crumb Cake I silently thank her for making another breakfast enjoyable for both the cook (me) and our guests. Thanks Maureen!