Vermont Journal

from the B&B and around Vermont

Step-by-step: How to make a proper cup of tea!

A proper cup of tea!

There are innumerable places in which you will find directions on how to make the perfect cuppa’. In The Afternoon Tea Book, chef, broadcaster, lecturer, author, and food historian Michael Smith devotes a chapter to making tea. Even renowned author George Orwell expounds his theory on tea in his essay, A Nice Cup of Tea. Both provide interesting reading.

So for all of you who may be entertaining tea lovers or just want to enjoy a nice cup of tea- here’s my “how to”.

1. Warm the tea pot by filling it with hot water and letting it stand whilst you make the tea. (If you don’t own a tea pot, do buy one, it doesn’t have to be fancy just functional.)

2. Fill your teakettle (different from the tea pot) or other vessel with freshly drawn cold water and bring the water to the boil.

3. While the water is coming to a boil, empty the warming teapot and deposit the tea leaves or bags into it. 1 bag or 1 levelish teaspoon of leaves per 10 oz of water.

4. When the water has come to a boil, pour it over the tea.

5. Put the lid on the tea pot and let the tea steep for several minutes. The longer it steeps the stronger it gets.

6. Pour the tea into a china tea cup or mug and enjoy it.

Some people add a thin slice of lemon, other sugar and/or milk – but never cream.

For another perspective check out our Tea Primer.

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