Winter in Vermont
There’s nothing quite like it. Come to the Mad River Valley and experience it for yourself.
The sunny days make beautiful shadows in the snow and highlight features which we miss seeing during a snowstorm. On a sunny day animal tracks can be seen throughout fields and forests. Deer and squirrel tracks are most commonly seen around the B&B however larger animal tracks can be seen from time to time. Chickadees and other small birds take advantage of the sun’s rays to warm themselves. Larger birds come out in search of food, ever seen a wild turkey? In mid-December avid local birders, armed with binoculars, bird books and check lists, take time to join birders around the world in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count. At first light, no matter the weather, teams head out on a predetermined route and count and record as many birds as they can see and hear. The stats they compile become part of one of the longest running citizen science projects in history with stats being compiled with those from around the world. All birders are welcome to join in the count.
On snowy days, when the trees are dressed in layers of snowflakes, the forest is silent. So quiet in fact, you begin to think you can hear the snowflakes falling. According to accuweather, “there’s a scientific reason behind the calming silence, with the characteristics of snow playing a big role in how sound can travel. When light, fluffy snow accumulates on the ground, it acts as a sound absorber, dampening sound waves much like commercial sound absorbing products.” No wonder the world seems so much calmer and quieter when it snows!
Winter Activities
No matter the winter weather, all sorts of winter activities are enjoyed in the Mad River Valley. Downhill, cross country and tele-mark skiers will be enjoying the slopes. Snowboarders will be practicing their skills at the terrain park. Cyclists on fat bikes will be hitting the biking trails. No need to go far, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing and walking in the snow can start right at our front door.

Of course, for some winter days mean curling up by the fire with a good book, a mug of hot chocolate and a cookie.
No matter how you like to spend your winter days, plan to spend some of them in the Mad River Valley of Vermont. Come and walk in the quiet of falling snow, take photos on a sunny day, enjoy outdoor activities, shop or just relax. Winter days in the Mad River Valley, there’s nothing quite like it.
Winter in Vermont just keeps getting more magical! See you soon!