Vermont Journal

from the B&B and around Vermont

Vermont | A Mountain Biker’s Paradise

Mountain Biking; a sport, an activity, a workout, an adventure. Mountain Biking offers an opportunity to explore nature on your own terms, challenge yourself physically, and have a ton of fun while you do both.

The Mad River Riders have put together what they call, “one of Vermont’s sweetest multi-use trail networks” boasting over 45 miles of trails that link and loop through the Mad River Valley. They have their eye set on all ages and skill levels, so let’s dive a little deeper into what the Mad River offers when it comes to trails.

Beginner Mountain Bikers

You might be new to mountain biking, a bit cautious when it comes to the great outdoors, or under the age of 8. Whatever the reason, we know everybody isn’t looking for ledges, danger, and risk. Sometimes, mountain biking is just about getting yourself to some spectacular views and having a fun time doing so. If you’re raising your hand thinking, “Yup, that’s me”, then you’ll enjoy tons of the beginner hiking, biking, and walking trails around the area.

Middle Ground Riders

If you’re looking for a bit of a challenge, some more exciting moments, and are down to get a bit muddy, the Mad River Valley has you in mind as well. From one of the most popular trails in Vermont, The Long Trail, to more obscure and lesser-known trails highlighted by the Mad River Riders, there are ways for you to get that thrill you want without pushing yourself too far. After all, aren’t vacations supposed to be relaxing?

The Serious Stuff

Ok, we get it, you’re a big deal. If you’re looking for a serious mountain biking challenge, Vermont is the place to be and more specifically, the Mad River Valley. Most people are busy thinking about skiing, maple syrup, fall leaves, and Ben & Jerry’s when they visit Vermont but don’t let that fool you. Vermont is home to some of the most unique hills and trails in the country and due to our low population, they’re rarely busy. Vermont allows you the freedom of riding through clear, open woods and trails without having to worry about passing hikers and bikers at every turn.

Ready to Get to the Trails?

West Hill House B&B is located in the heart of Vermont, surrounded by all of the natural beauty, adventure opportunities, and trails you could hope for. If you’re looking to throw a bit of mountain biking, hiking, or other fun thrills into your trip, we’re ready to help. See you soon, and don’t forget your helmet!

mad river riders trail map
Trail Map provided by Mad River Riders (click for full size)
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